Sunday, February 28, 2010

The Winner of Princess Peepers is. . .

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I know you're all anxious to find out who won this month's comment contest, but first, a few news items:


You can check out blog member, Susan Couture's (Library Media Specialist) on-line article for Library Sparks at

Congratulations, Susan!

I am so pleased to announce that my guest author for the end of March is Anne Mazer, the author of the bestselling The Amazing Days of Abby Hayes series. Anne has co-authored a book on the writing craft SPILLING INK:A YOUNG WRITER'S HANDBOOK with Ellen Potter, the author of the award-winning middle-grade Olivia Kidney series.

Anne has donated an autographed copy of the ARC (Advanced Reader's Copy),which will be given away to one lucky reader who leaves a comment on the upcoming interview that will be posted later in March.

Finally, the WINNER of PRINCESS PEEPERS is. . . Karen (Blogger of Novels at Naptime) a great blog to follow if you don't already!

Karen, please send me your mailing address:
and your book will be on its way asap!

Thanks everyone who took the time to write in! And thank you, Pam for a wonderful interview!


  1. SPILLING INK: A YOUNG WRITER'S HANDBOOK co-authored by Ellen Potter & Anne Mazer will change the way writing is taught in schools! I would love to see student examples shared during the chat with Anne.


  2. I'm so excited! Thanks so much for hosting this contest. Growing up, my dad was an ophthalmologist, and I always loved going through all the cute kids' glasses trying them on. :)

  3. Congratulations on winning the book, Karen. So perfect that your dad was an ophthalmologist.

  4. Thank you, Susan! Glad you like the new look. Write on.

  5. You got a new look. It looks great! :)

  6. Aw,thanks, Margo! Sweet of you to notice.
